♥ Lind Legacy Ep. 1 ~ "Be more careful"

I’ve never been able to understand how people can just sit down and write, it’s such a pain for me. Here I am a self-proclaimed author and can’t even write an idea down on paper… Writer’s block is one thing but having to throw out my baby, Silvia, was a nightmare. She was running smoothly I still can’t grasp what went wrong.
When I sat down to Silvia I could just type away but now…? Then again I haven’t written anything since I was a teenager so I suppose getting back into the swing of things will be a little hard… There’s just something I can’t shake though… A feeling that I have something important to do…

Maybe if I have a look at the calen--

 "I'M LATE!!"

 I can’t believe I let myself forget about the appearance at the school! Now how am I going to get the teachers to take me seriously if I don’t show up on time!?

I noticed a very odd looking woman standing outside the front doors of the school and as we made eye contact she approached me.
"Miss Lind...?"

“…and that is why the children all left early. I’m terribly sorry that we couldn’t fit time in today for your appearance, Miss Lind, however we can reschedule for next Wednesday if you aren’t busy.”
“no…noimnotbusy” I murmured under my breath. I was concentrating so hard on trying not to laugh right in this poor woman’s face that I could hardly speak. She nodded at me and said goodbye as she turned to leave.
A smirk creeped along my face and I couldn’t help but celebrate. Of course I love my work but getting off being late that lightly? She practically apologised to me! Next Wednesday… I guess I’ll need to write that somewhere other than the calendar, somewhere I won’t forget…

I knew that if I had gone back home I wouldn’t get any work done, starring at blank walls has never really sparked my creativity. Instead I decided to walk to the local library and look for inspiration there.
I skimmed every bookshelf, surpassing many great pieces of literature but I was looking for only one book; “Twas a Sim’s wish”. I have read many articles praising this book and since I am on a student loan it isn’t easy to find the kind of money to buy it. It was released a few months back so the library should have it in stock now. Just as I was about to give up I had found it, in a small little bookcase pressed against a concrete wall. What a place to put a masterpiece, eh?
There was already a family reading at the table I usually favour so I decided to trek to the deserted upstairs and sat close to a computer. Since I had left my notepad back at home I would have to type up any initial ideas or notes I wanted to make. I would come back tomorrow with my notepad in hand to write it down.
For now I will enjoy the serenity that is the quietness of the library, maybe I’ll come up with something by the time I leave for home.

♡ Drifting ~ Ep 1

It’s always been easy to talk to Lucillia, we’ve sat like this before and just talked through the whole night. Her likeability is what I love most about her.
I thought tonight would be the right time to tell her and everything has been falling into place, the perfect moment has arrived.

I’ve got to be honest, I was running on a pretty good high but my confidence ran dry when she stared at me, listening intently. Her face… her beautiful face was what made the nerves surface.
I stumbled and stuttered over my words. My train of thought completely lost and in embarrassment I turned from her. What a joke to think this was going to go well. What was I thinking…

The only thing I could think of to stop this train wreck was to leave. I managed to blurt out one of my famous lame excuses and started to make my way out of her bedroom. What I hadn’t noticed was her breath of the back of my neck.
For some idiotic reason I turned to her.

Lucillia’s never been one to take control of things but maybe the feelings we felt just then were mutual or maybe she just felt sorry for me. Her lips were soft against mine and I could taste her strawberry lip-balm.
I didn’t want the moment to end but doesn’t everyone think that about their first kiss? Then suddenly the strange thought that this isn’t the same for her came into my head; thinking of all of those boys that she’s already of bound to have locked lips with killed the mood for me…
I pulled away but was more than satisfied despite being a bit grossed out.

I am a little worried, since we’ve been in silence for the past few minutes but her warm body against mine and of course the collar of her blazer digging into my chest was reassuring. We’ve been friends for such a long time and I’ve never seen her like this…  Even with the umpteen boyfriends she’s had.
I’ve gotta say I am pretty smitten. Having a crush on someone is one thing but on your best friend who was thought to be straight…? Maybe that’s why I’ve never had a girlfriend before; I don’t really know anyone who is bi-sexual let alone lesbian.

“What do you mean; ‘Just go’ ?”
I couldn’t make sense of it. One minute she’s perfectly happy to lay one on me then the next she can’t even bare to look at me? Confused is an understatement. I am baffled. Sure, I’ve never been good at reading people but this is on a whole new level!
“Don’t you get it Samantha? I’m not like you.”

“Since when have you called me Samantha…”
My heart sank… It wasn’t supposed to go like this… This isn’t what I wanted…
As much as I was crushed to hear the person I have loved for such a long time practically say they hated me wasn’t what upset me. I was more upset that I have ruined our friendship. “Samantha”? What happened to Sammy? I was such a fool to think that it would go anything like I imagined it. Now, not only have I ruined any chance I had going with Lucillia, I have ruined our 14 year friendship.
Just get out of here!
Even though she couldn’t bare to look at me I knew she was crying - I could hear her quietly sobbing. The minute I leave this room she is going to burst into uncontrollable tears like she always has done. I’m such an idiot to think that this could have ended well, for God’s sake, what was I thinking?

♥ A long night ahead of me

Over the past two weeks I have been too busy focusing on school-work and projects that I didn't have any free-time to fill up with the internet, prior to this two week absence I went on a simming-marathon and have taken a boat load of snapshots and pictures from three active saved games.

So for the rest of the night and early into the morning I will be editing these pictures and will post the outcome in story format for my Blog and Simblr. I have various different projects lined up for all of the networking sites I use for my game and it dawned on me that I hadn't posted an update recently of those plans on this Blog. At the hands of a Simblr I suppose I have let this Blog go a little, mainly because I put so much work into one post that it takes me a few days to release it but with on Tumblr everything is fast and easy.

My currently active projects include;
"Fixated" - TS3 Story
Story of a middle aged woman struggling to find her own grounds outside the world of work. We see her struggles with relationships and the desires she has for her very limited future.
"Homebound" - TS3 Short Story
Story of a young attractive woman who is trying to pathe her uncertain future. We follow her personal journey and see the familiar struggles she faces living alone.

"Drifting" - TS3 Short Story
Story of two teenage girls who hit a bump in their relationship when one of the girl's wants to be more than just friends. We see one girl struggle with accepting her sexuality and the other second guessing many things in their life.

"Lind" Legacy Challenge - TS3 Story Format
A Legacy Challenge with a twist, it is not the generic documentation of the life of the sim but instead this one is aimed with the format of a story telling aspect. Although it is the legacy and family that is being carried on I will add in twists which would make family life otherwise questionable as to whether it is suitable for them. Injecting a sense of relevance.

"Watkins" Legacy Challenge - TS3 Scrapbook Format
A documentation of the life of a woman named Rebecca Watkins who takes up residence in Twinbrook. The images will be unedited and posted as a relaxer stage between my other projects. It is something that I can have a ton of fun with but not have to think too hard on the editing process after taking the pictures and screenshots, almost like they are for a Scrapbook or memories.

Soon to be released will be the first installment of the "Lind" Legacy Challenge of which images I will be editing first. If you'd like to see more of my work you can head over to my other networks listed in the side-bar.


♡ Homebound ~ Ep 1

I've never been a morning person.
 So waking at the crack of dawn was quite a challenge, with juggling trying to get my mind in the right place and the temptation of jumping back into bed. Through this battle I floated around the house performing my morning tasks without even realising it. 

I could feel the nerves creeping through the house as the clock ticked down. I know some people might find it strange but I reassured myself through the mirror and reasoned with my unsettled mind just to keep her in tow.

My little silent prayer always keeps my nerves at bay for a little while, just long enough for me to get things down then worry about it later. For the first time it felt stuffy in my sea-salted home, I had to get out.

My ankle length dress wouldn’t survive the trenches that is the city ground so I changed into something more suitable. The cool breeze was most certainly noticeable but thankfully was more comforting than it was overwhelming. I live on the paradise that is the beach frontier and the city center was just a walk away.
I had plenty of time before the interview so I let myself wander for a little while, my feet took me to the central park and I enjoyed the serene atmosphere of children playing with their puppies and the sweet smell of the flowers. It seemed like everything was fitting into place for today.

I waited eagerly outside the Theater for the interview, it was already a few minutes past 10am so they’ll call me in any minute but it was evidential that they were running late. Another forty minutes past and I was disheartened but I tried to reassure myself that they must be running late.
It was twenty minutes past eleven before they called me on my phone. I couldn’t hide my annoyance and might have sounded a little lacking in appreciation but wouldn’t everyone? I took a moment to calm myself down before making my way inside the Theater.

I thought the interview had gone well and now all I have to do is wait on a call-back. The problem is the interview was two weeks ago and I still haven’t heard anything back.
I am trying to stay hopeful but filling my days with mindless errands and staying indoors most of the time and still not getting a call from them is leaving me a bit disheartened. I knew that modelling was a hard industry to get into and there were a lot of girls there waiting for auditions but I never thought it would take this long.
I’m beginning to wonder whether I’ll get any word back at all…
